Deciding whether to jump into the housing market or rent instead is rarely an easy decision. This is especially true if you’re a first-time homebuyer. But in today’s whirlwind market, you may find it particularly challenging to pinpoint the best time to start exploring homeownership. Here are some ways to figure out if it makes more sense to buy or rent.
Continue reading Buy Now or Rent Longer? 5 Questions to Answer Before Purchasing Your First Home →
Imagine the first place you lived as a young adult. Now imagine trying to fit your life today into that space. Not pretty, right?
For most of us, our housing needs are cyclical. A newly independent adult can find freedom and flexibility in even a tiny apartment. That same space, to a growing family, would feel stifling. For empty nesters, a large home with several unused bedrooms can become impractical to heat and clean. It’s no surprise that life transitions often trigger a home purchase.
Continue reading House Hunting? Don’t Forget these Lifestyle Considerations →
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