When you’ve lived somewhere for many years, it can be tough to say goodbye. But if you (or a loved one) currently have a home that is bigger than necessary or is too high maintenance, it may be time to trade unused square footage for a smaller, more manageable space and downsize your home.
Continue reading Downsize Your Home, Rightsize Your Life →
To avoid buyer regrets, make sure you consider your future self when shopping for a home.
Most new homebuyers don’t regret becoming homeowners. In fact, according to a survey by LendingTree, 80% of recent buyers who successfully overcame a challenging housing market say they’re glad they found their current homes. But that doesn’t mean newly-minted homeowners don’t have any regrets about their buying choices.
Continue reading 7 Common Homebuyer Regrets:
How to Avoid Them →
Moving to a new place is a big deal whether it’s due to a job change, retirement or a family situation. And it’s an even bigger deal if you’re moving to a new city or state. Ask yourself these 8 questions before you make that move.
Continue reading 8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving to a New Community →
Imagine the first place you lived as a young adult. Now imagine trying to fit your life today into that space. Not pretty, right?
For most of us, our housing needs are cyclical. A newly independent adult can find freedom and flexibility in even a tiny apartment. That same space, to a growing family, would feel stifling. For empty nesters, a large home with several unused bedrooms can become impractical to heat and clean. It’s no surprise that life transitions often trigger a home purchase.
Continue reading House Hunting? Don’t Forget these Lifestyle Considerations →
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