According to the FBI, more than one million burglaries are committed in the United States each year, with victims suffering an estimated $3 billion in combined property losses. Fortunately, there are some proven tactics you can use to decrease your likelihood of a home invasion and bump up your home’s security.
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Winter is just around the corner, hopefully with some much needed rain. It is a good time to get some fall maintenance done before that rain starts and we get too busy with the holidays. Here’s a checklist to keep your Southern California home and yard in good shape and help you avoid expensive repairs.
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Yes, it’s true: Fall is here, and that means winter is just around the corner.
Even with our mild San Diego County winters, this is always a good time to invest in a little home maintenance so your abode is running smoothly. You’ll also catch any potentially large (and expensive) problems before they get out of hand.
Follow this checklist of fall fixes, and you’ll be in good shape for the winter.
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