Summer is in full swing in San Diego gardens. And, if you’re up to anything more than just relaxing in the shade and enjoying your garden, try these tips for keeping it happy and healthy.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens August 2024Summer is in full swing in San Diego gardens. And, if you’re up to anything more than just relaxing in the shade and enjoying your garden, try these tips for keeping it happy and healthy.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens August 2024The heat is on! Check your irrigation systems to make sure your San Diego garden is getting enough water and there are no leaks.
Continue reading San Diego Garden Tips August 2022September is a great month to start seeds, do some cleanup work and get your garden ready for planting once the weather cools off. Here are some September gardening tips to help you get your yard ready for fall.
Continue reading September Gardening Tips 2020With August’s hot weather, you might not want to spend too much time working in your garden. But it is important to make sure you are watering enough. Plus, there are a few things you can do to keep your garden looking its best now and in the coming months.
Here are a few August gardening tips to help your yard finish up the summer and get ready for cooler weather.
Continue reading August Gardening Tips 2019