San Diego gardens are busy putting on a great show right now. Here are some ideas on how to keep the bloom going and get your garden ready for warmer temperatures.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens May 2024Tag Archives: subtropical plants
San Diego Gardens May 2023
San Diego gardens are in full bloom this month. Enjoy the beauty. It’s payback for all that hard work. The rains are over, so check your irrigation to make sure your plants are getting enough water. And don’t forget to pull weeds! If you can get the weeds out before they set seed, you’ll have a lot fewer next year.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens May 2023San Diego Garden Tips May 2022
San Diego gardens are busy putting on a great show right now. But summer’s just around the corner, and it’s time to get them ready for warmer temperatures.
Continue reading San Diego Garden Tips May 2022June Gardening Tips 2020
Summer’s just around the corner and days are long. June’s a good time to plant heat-loving tropicals and annuals. Make sure to adjust your watering and spread mulch to conserve water and keep weeds down.
Here are some June gardening tips to keep your yard healthy and happy.
Continue reading June Gardening Tips 2020April Gardening Tips 2020
April is a wonderful time to be in your garden, and that’s true now more than ever. The garden can be a calming, peaceful place during this stressful time. Hopefully you can use some of your “stay at home” time to start seeds, plant, trim and relax.
Here are some April gardening tips to keep both you and your yard healthy and happy.
Continue reading April Gardening Tips 2020