Summer is in full swing in San Diego gardens. And, if you’re up to anything more than just relaxing in the shade and enjoying your garden, try these tips for keeping it happy and healthy.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens August 2024Summer is in full swing in San Diego gardens. And, if you’re up to anything more than just relaxing in the shade and enjoying your garden, try these tips for keeping it happy and healthy.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens August 2024San Diego County gardens are beautiful in March. Many plants have already started flowering, and garden centers are stocked full. Next to fall, this is the best time of year to plant.
Continue reading San Diego Garden Tips March 2021Brace yourself for this month’s hot, dry weather and make sure your plants are properly irrigated. Here are some August gardening tips to help keep your garden happy and healthy.
Continue reading August Gardening Tips 2020