Next to fall, early spring is the best time to plant in San Diego gardens. Plus, you’ll find nurseries well stocked with blooming perennials. Here are some March gardening tips for a beautiful spring garden.
Next to fall, early spring is the best time to plant in San Diego gardens. Plus, you’ll find nurseries well stocked with blooming perennials. Here are some March gardening tips for a beautiful spring garden.
November is still a great time to add plants to your San Diego garden. Our seasonal rain has started, so you might want to adjust your irrigation. The trimmings and fall leaves you’re cleaning up can also make beautiful holiday decorations.
Continue reading San Diego Garden Tips November 2021November is a great time to plant, plus there are lots of garden sales this time of year. And we shouldn’t forget that although the weather is cooling, fire season won’t end until we see some significant rain. For ways to protect your home against brushfires, take a look at September’s gardening tips.
Here are some November gardening tips to help keep your yard bountiful and blooming.
Continue reading November Gardening Tips 2019