Tag Archives: property taxes

Home-Related Tax Deductions

Home-Related Tax Deductions Pam Fraser. Picture of a woman sitting on a couch looking at a laptop computer.

Tax season. Just the words can send shivers down your spine. But if you’re a homeowner, there’s a silver lining: potential savings from home-related tax deductions!

You’ve probably heard that you can deduct the interest you pay on your mortgage, but did you know there are many other ways homeowners can reduce their tax burden?

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Proposition 19: Will You Win or Lose?

Proposition 19: Will You Win or Lose? Pam Fraser

California’s ballot last November had several real estate related propositions. Proposition 19 was the only one that passed. It contains a tax break that might benefit you, but it also changes another one that may cost you.

Continue reading Proposition 19: Will You Win or Lose?

Homeowner Tax Changes

Tax Changes

The new tax law  signed  at the end of 2017 will affect all taxpayers. Homeowners should familiarize themselves with the areas that could impact them specifically. These items may require some planning to maximize the benefits.

Tax Changes for Homeowners

Here are some of the tax changes that will affect most homeowners:

  • Reduces the limit on deductible mortgage debt to $750,000 for loans made after 12/14/17. But existing loans of up to $1 million are not subject to the new $750,000 cap.
  • Continue reading Homeowner Tax Changes

Property Tax Reminder

If you need more information about your property tax, take a look at the county treasurer’s frequently asked questions.

Property Tax Reminder

How to Move But Not Increase Property Taxes

how to move but not increase property taxesAccording to a survey by the California Association of Realtors, one of the top reasons home owners have not considered selling is a concern that property taxes on another home would be too expensive.

For certain groups of people living in San Diego County and some other counties in California, there is a way to move but not increase property taxes.

California voters have passed several propositions, Propositions 60, 90 and 110, that allow eligible property owners to transfer the base year value of an existing principal residence to a replacement dwelling.

What do these propositions do? Who qualifies, and what are the benefits?

Continue reading How to Move But Not Increase Property Taxes