It’s time to get ready for summer in San Diego gardens. Try to get your planting completed early in the month while temperatures are still mild, check irrigation and add mulch to save water and keep soil cool.
With all of the May gray and June gloom we’ve had lately, it’s hard to believe that summer’s heat is almost here. To protect your San Diego gardens, make sure your irrigation is working properly and add several inches of mulch to your garden beds.
April is still a good time to add plants to your San Diego garden. Plus, you’ll find nurseries well stocked with blooming perennials. Here are some April gardening tips for a beautiful garden all year round.
Summer’s just around the corner and days are long. June’s a good time to plant heat-loving tropicals and annuals. Make sure to adjust your watering and spread mulch to conserve water and keep weeds down.
Here are some June gardening tips to keep your yard healthy and happy.
April is a wonderful time to be in your garden, and that’s true now more than ever. The garden can be a calming, peaceful place during this stressful time. Hopefully you can use some of your “stay at home” time to start seeds, plant, trim and relax.
Here are some April gardening tips to keep both you and your yard healthy and happy.
Summer’s almost here and the weather is warming up. We’ve started the month with our usual June Gloom, but I’m not complaining. It keeps the heat at bay and is perfect weather for working in your garden.
Here are a few June gardening tips to help you and your yard get ready for summer.
May is a great time to plant subtropicals, summer annuals, vegetables, and herbs. It’s also a great time to mulch. A 3- to 6-inch layer of mulch around trees and plants will help keep roots cool and moist. Make sure you leave the area around the base of trunks mulch-free to prevent diseases.
Here are a few May gardening tips to help keep your landscape beautiful and blooming.