Summer is in full swing in San Diego gardens. And, if you’re up to anything more than just relaxing in the shade and enjoying your garden, try these tips for keeping it happy and healthy.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens August 2024Summer is in full swing in San Diego gardens. And, if you’re up to anything more than just relaxing in the shade and enjoying your garden, try these tips for keeping it happy and healthy.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens August 2024This is a good time to relax in the shade with a cold drink and enjoy your garden. Here are some August San Diego gardening tips to help your garden thrive.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens August 2021Summer’s just around the corner and days are long. June’s a good time to plant heat-loving tropicals and annuals. Make sure to adjust your watering and spread mulch to conserve water and keep weeds down.
Here are some June gardening tips to keep your yard healthy and happy.
Continue reading June Gardening Tips 2020