Equifax, one of the “Big Three” credit bureaus recently announced that a massive hack has exposed the personal information of up to 143 million people. To add perspective to that statement, that is about two-thirds of American credit card holders or close to half the population of the United States. Equifax did not notify people to tell them they were victims. Because of this, it’s up to you to protect your credit and keep thieves from stealing your identity.
Continue reading Protect Your Credit →
The holidays are a happy time for celebrating with family, friends, and co-workers. Unfortunately, this time of year can also be turned sour by a wide variety of clever frauds, unauthorized debit and credit card transactions, and bogus person-to-person scams. By the end of 2015, individuals, retailers, charitable donors, and companies were victimized to the tune of $1.5 billion. That number is expected to have gone up in 2016.
Just as you protect your home with an alarm system, you should set up defenses for your credit and identity. During the holiday season, fraudulent activity spikes. Here’s how to protect yourself from the eight most common scams.
Continue reading 8 Scams to Watch Out For This Holiday Season →
You are probably aware that federal law entitles you to a free copy of your credit report annually by each of the three credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax.
Why bother to check your credit? Because by regularly looking at each of these reports, you can determine if there are any errors on them and be aware of your credit worthiness.
Continue reading Check Your Credit →
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