March housing statistics were a bit of a mixed bag in San Diego County. Hopefully this indicates that we are moving toward a more balanced market.
The housing statistics report for San Diego County overall showed an increase in the median price for single-family detached homes from $470,000 in February 2014 to $492,000 in March 2014 and a year-over increase of 13.1 percent from March 2013.
In North San Diego County, the median price for detached homes slipped slightly dropping from $564,500 in February 2014 to $556,000 in March 2014, but still increasing almost 6 percent compared to March 2013. This annual appreciation of approximately 6 percent is much more sustainable than the many months of 20 to 25 percent year-over median price increases we had been experiencing.
The median price of single-family attached homes increased both countywide and in the North County area in March 2014 showing a year-over gain of 5.44 percent countywide and 1.83 percent in North County.
To read the full housing statistics reports, please click on the links below.
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