Spring shows up early in San Diego County gardens, but there’s still time to trim and spray dormant trees and deciduous plants. The rains have finally gotten here too which means that not only are your plants happy, but so are your weeds. Manage weeds now while they are still small. Keep reading for more San Diego gardening tips for February.
Plant Colorful Winter Annuals
There’s still time to plant cool season annuals to fill in bare spots in your garden and add color. Try pansies, violas, African daisies, calendulas, dianthus, Iceland poppies, delphiniums, primroses and snapdragons.
You can also continue to plant California poppies. Their bright orange flowers will light up your garden. Plus there are now many other colors available. California poppies are perennials that are summer dormant. Cut them back once to get a second flowering, and then cut them to the ground. They’ll pop back up next winter when the rains come.
Order Summer-Blooming Bulbs
Order summer bulbs now for planting in March. Nurseries should also have them in stock. In addition to gladiolus, look for callas, crinums, Crocosmia, dahlias, Eucomis (Pineapple Flower), glory lilies, Lycoris (Spider Lily), Tigridia, tuberoses and Zephyranthes (Fairy Lily).

Feed Citrus
Feed your citrus trees this month with a high-nitrogen fertilizer. Use ammonium sulfate or a fertilizer specifically made for citrus. Spread the fertilizer under and beyond the tree’s canopy, but not on the trunk. Then water it in well. For more information on citrus tree care, see the Master Gardener Association’s citrus growing guide.
San Diego Gardening Tips Source
A lot of information for San Diego Gardening Tips comes from the Master Gardener Association of San Diego County. They are a great resource for all of your gardening needs including planting, pests, vegetables, and water use. They even have a free hotline where you can get your home gardening and pest control problems answered.