Here comes spring, and San Diego gardens are starting to pop. Other than fall, this is our busiest time to plant, weed, prune, fertilize and mulch.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens March 2024Here comes spring, and San Diego gardens are starting to pop. Other than fall, this is our busiest time to plant, weed, prune, fertilize and mulch.
Continue reading San Diego Gardens March 2024Next to fall, early spring is the best time to plant in San Diego gardens. Plus, you’ll find nurseries well stocked with blooming perennials. Here are some March gardening tips for a beautiful spring garden.
May is a perfect time to enjoy the flowers and new growth in your San Diego garden. The rainy season if over, so make sure you’re irrigating and mulching to keep your garden healthy. Here are some San Diego gardening tips to help get your garden ready for warm weather.
Continue reading San Diego Garden Tips May 2021Spring is coming, and next to fall, early spring is the best time to plant. The cool weather is great for gardening, and the rainy season is almost over. Although December was wet, we didn’t get much rain in January and February. So if you haven’t already, it’s probably time to start watering.
Here are some March gardening tips to keep your yard healthy and happy.
Continue reading March Gardening Tips 2020May is a great time to plant subtropicals, summer annuals, vegetables, and herbs. It’s also a great time to mulch. A 3- to 6-inch layer of mulch around trees and plants will help keep roots cool and moist. Make sure you leave the area around the base of trunks mulch-free to prevent diseases.
Here are a few May gardening tips to help keep your landscape beautiful and blooming.
Continue reading May Gardening Tips 2019