August is here. Time to relax in the shade with a cold drink, make sure your plants have enough to drink too, and enjoy your San Diego garden.
Plant for Fall Color
Fall blooming bulbs, summer annuals and edible greens can all refresh the garden which by now is now looking a little seared from summer’s heat. Get annuals in early this month. Try zinnias, rudbeckia, vinca, verbena, portulaca and South African Ursinia.
If you plant fall blooming bulbs by mid-September, you should see blooms in just a few weeks. Some good options are Colchicum, Crinodonna, fall-flowering crocus and Lycoris.
Plant some easy to grow, leafy greens like Swiss chard, bok choy, collards, kale, mustard or spinach. Their large, deep green leaves add beauty to your San Diego garden and will be ready in fall for you to add to salads, soups, stir fries and many other dishes. Transplant them into the garden six to eight weeks after planting.
Fruit Tree Care in San Diego Gardens
Make sure your fruit trees are getting enough water during these hot, dry months. Remove damaged fruit and any fruit that has dropped to discourage fruit beetles and other insects. If limbs have a heavy fruit load, give them support. Prune out fire blight damaged shoots on pear, apple, quince and loquat. This is also a good time to add citrus trees such as oranges, lemons and limes to your San Diego garden.

Last Chance to Add Summer Crops Plus Time to Start Some Winter Vegetables
It’s your last chance to set out summer vegetable transplants like eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, corn, beans and summer squash. You can also start seeds of cole crops like brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower this month along with the leafy greens I talked about above. Beets, leeks, lettuces, peas, mustard, radishes and turnips can also be started mid-month.
San Diego Gardens Tips Source
A lot of information for San Diego Gardens comes from the Master Gardener Association of San Diego County. They are a great resource for all of your gardening needs including planting, pests, vegetables, and water use. They even have a free hotline where you can get your home gardening and pest control problems answered.