Mandatory, countywide water conservation measures go into effect on June 1, 2015 which will limit landscape irrigation to two days per week. These new limits on watering are the result of a recent vote by the San Diego County Water Authority.
They were reacting to state cuts and a reduction in water from the Colorado River watershed. Although San Diego has increased their water supply through independent sources, they are not exempt from the state’s executive order requiring an immediate 25 percent statewide reduction in urban water use.
This translates to water-saving targets of anywhere from 12 to 36 percent depending on the local agency. Based on the chart below, it seems that some of the more rural parts of the county will be hardest hit.
Each agency in the county is setting days and times during which you can water. To find out what your agency is doing, go to the San Diego County Water Authority’s Local Water Agency Restrictions.
The San Diego County Water Authority is still offering discounts and incentives for residential water use savings. Please see their website for rebates on high-efficiency clothes washers and toilets, and other water savings devices such as rain barrels, soil moisture sensors and artificial turf.